P90X Workout Routines For Men

P90X is a workout system that has helped many men and women lose weight and gain lean muscles. It is a 90 day program that promises you effective result is you follow the exercise routine and diet chart religiously. The workout includes exercises that focus on the muscles of the entire body and work on the principle of “muscle confusion”. Given below are some P90X workout routines for men that can help them get back into shape if done regularly.

Routine 1 – Chest & Back

The chest and back workout is very intense and it includes decline push-ups, military push-ups, dive bombers, diamond push-ups and reverse pull ups. You will need Resistance Bands or P90X Chin up Bar for all the Pull-up movements.

Routine 2 – Plyometrics

This routine helps you to build strength and increases stamina with a combination of jumping exercises and cardiovascular activities. This is one of the most challenging P90X workout routines for men. For those who love cardios, this routine will challenge to their maximum level and also produce visibly effective results in as less as three months.

Routine 3 – Shoulders & Arms

This routine targets the shoulders with the arms muscles i.e. biceps, triceps, forearms. Seated two-angle shoulder flys, In and Out bicep curls and two-arm tricep kickbacks are few of the workouts you will be doing in this regimen. They tone up the arms and shoulder muscles and give them a chiseled and sculpted look

Routine 4 – Yoga X:

Yoga is one of the most essential P90X workout routines for men. It not only tones up your body, but it also relaxes your mind. Yoga X promotes good balance along with improved flexibility and combination.

Routine 5 – Legs & Back

The leg and back muscles support the entire body. Routine 5 of P90X workout routine for men concentrates on the muscle of leg and back. It targets muscles like quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves and enhances their strength. The routine also includes pull ups that concentrates on the upper part of the body.

Routine 6 – Kenpo X

P90X workout routines for men focus on muscle confusion so that the body does not reach a plateau and continues to show improvement. Kenpo X workout regimen includes some self-defense techniques along with cardios. It is an intense workout that enhances flexibility and stamina.

Routine 7 – X Stretch

Flexibility is very essential for the body. Doing stretches before beginning with any exercise routine prevents injuries and warms up the body too. But many people avoid stretching exercises and focus only on the heavy routine. In order to enhance the flexibility of body, a routine called X Stretch is included in the P90X workout routines for men.

Routine 8 – Core Synergistics

P90X workout routines for men include Core Synergistics that target multiple muscle groups at the same time. This regimen helps to build and support the core muscles and also conditions the body.

Routine 9 – Ab Ripper X

The abdominal muscles or core muscles are very essential, as they link between the upper and lower body. Ab Ripper X helps you to enhance and strengthen these core muscles.
When you are following the P90X workout routines for men, remember to begin with stretching. The routine will produce visible results only if you follow it religiously.


P90X Nutrition Plan

To achieve your healthy weight loss goal, you must combine exercises with diet in a balanced way. You cannot lose weight with just exercises. This is why P90X has an exercise schedule and a P90X nutrition plan that will help you lose weight easily. But you have to learn how to follow the P90X program properly to stay in good shape. Nutrition is an essential part of the program. It has 3 aspects as has been explain below:

  1. Phase I – This phase of P90X Nutrition plan is also known as the “Fat Shredder” plan. It helps to kick start the program. The diet chart that has been provided has to be followed for the first four weeks. It works on the basis that consumption of carbohydrates adds to weight gain. Therefore, it has been nearly removed from the diet. Instead Phase I focuses on a high protein diet so as to help the body burn fat and strengthen muscles.
  2. Phase II – This is the “Energy Booster” phase where the focus is on increasing the lost energy. Cutting back carbohydrates depletes the body of much needed energy though it also cuts down fat. In this phase, carbohydrates are gradually added to the diet so as to give the body more energy for rigorous workouts. The carbohydrate diet in this phase consists of pasta, oatmeal and whole wheat bread. Fruits with low glycemic index are also added though you can have only one piece of it. While the intake of carbohydrates in increased, protein intake remains the same as in Phase I. It adds to muscle strength. There is no fixed time limit for this phase. You can continue with it as long as you wish and till the time that it works for you.
  3. Phase III – This phase is known as the “Endurance Maximizer” and is an optional phase. Only people who wish to increase muscle mass progress to this phase. Intake of Carbohydrates is further increased and protein intake is the same. As a result, you have more stamina.
The best part of P90X nutrition plan is that it does not advocate starving. On the contrary, it emphasizes on eating small and frequent meals in addition to plenty of water. There are two types of nutrition plans – the meal plan and the portion plan. You can follow the one that you are most comfortable with. Read more...

P90X Workout Sheets

To know the important of maintaining P90x workout sheets, you have to first know what they are and how they can be useful to you. P90X is a home fitness routine program that will help you to get back into shape. It includes cardios, strength training and diet charts too. A combination of these along with a strict regimen will ensure the effectiveness of the program. But to ensure that the fitness routine reaches its completion, you have to maintain P90X workout sheets that will record every step you take and the results too. The benefit of this is that as you watch the improvement in yourself, you will be motivated to stick to the plan.

P90X workout sheets are given in the exercise guide that is available along with the program. They are used to keep a track of your workouts and the combination of exercises that you are doing. They are available in excel format. You begin by entering the date and time of the workout, the exercise or exercise that you have done.

P90X workout sheets are a type of workout calendar that tell you what exercises have to be done each day, the repetitions and the order in which they have to be done. Though it is difficult for beginners to follow the rigorous schedule, it is very effective when done so.

The exercise consist of a muscle confusion plan that cheats your body into believing that it is resting while you workout. The plan is to target different groups of muscles each day so that your body does not get used to the training and the new techniques are effective. When you fill up the P90X workout sheets along with the training, you will be able to follow your progress. This will give you the incentive to continue with the program.

The sheets cover all parts of the exercises that include shoulders, arms, abdomen, biceps, triceps, forearms and others. The exercises also cover sit ups et al. By charting your progress, if you find yourself unable to keep up with the repetitions recommended in the program, you can work on it till you achieve the recommended number. Follow the regimen, chart your progress and follow all instructions that are given about the sequence of exercises, the repetitions and the diet and you will be on your way to an enviable and fit body.

Muscle Confusion Workouts

There is no such thing as muscle confusion as your muscles cannot think for themselves. “Muscle confusion workouts” is a term given to a training program that involves using different muscles. By following this program, you can avoid the plateau or threshold beyond which your muscles do not show any improvement. Muscle confusion workouts are also used to shock muscles into growing.

The body keeps adapting itself and as you continue with workouts, your muscles adapt too. When you start using weights, the muscle mass begins to increase but it quickly reaches the plateau and refuses to show any more improvement. You then have to change techniques and perform muscle confusion workouts for results.

This plateau or threshold of adaptation is also known as muscle boredom. The initial building of muscles quickly reaches a plateau and your routine fails to produce any results. This is when you must change your exercise program or routine so that you can continue making progress. You have to challenge and stimulate your muscles constantly, pushing them to work beyond their capacity to produce results.

Change your exercise routine and combine exercises that target different sets of muscles. If you are a beginner, plan your muscle confusion workouts with the help of a personal trainer. Alternatively, if you know about the muscles to be targeted, you can plan it yourself. Do chest exercises one day, and on the other, workout your biceps and triceps. Cover all the muscles and change the order in which you did them the previous week. Don’t continue with the same exercises. Keep changing them and add spice to your workouts in addition to confusing your muscles.

Remember a few things when you are building muscle.

  1. Your exercises have to be modified once in a month.

  2. Increase the repetitions that you do and also the number of sets.

  3. Sufficient rest is essential for your muscles to recuperate after the rigorous training that you put them through.

  4. Add enough proteins and carbohydrates to your diet for muscle and stamina. Without either of them, you will not be able to challenge your muscles.

  5. Keep adding weights and increasing resistance every time that your workout.
Your muscle confusion workouts can also include cycling and swimming. When you add exercises, weights and resistance to your workouts, you create an effective fitness program that prevents the muscles from getting adapted to a routine. Read more...

P90X Workout Schedule

P90X Workout Schedule is divided into 12 segments that consist of Stretching, Core Synergistics, Arms & Shoulders, Back & Chest, Triceps & Shoulders, Back & Legs, Plyometrics, Back-Biceps, Yoga, Kenpo, Abs and Cardio exercises. The P90X Workout Schedule has been created to create muscle confusion at the time of workouts. This ensures that the body does not adapt itself to any particular regime, resulting in continuous improvement.

Twist accompanied with Push-ups

According to the P90X Workout Schedule, the exercises should be done not for more than 6 days in a week and should be continued for 13 weeks. The duration of each workout session should be for an hour or more. The back and chest workouts include push ups and pull ups that challenge the body in different ways.

There are push-up variations, one of which is slanting the body in yoga position, along with the standard push-up. This is done by keeping the arm straight and in upward direction and then repeating with the other arm.

Pull-ups are usually done to target the back muscles. There are a number of variations for beginners to make the schedule easy for them. Take two chairs of same size and place them apart at some distance. Now place a bar between them so that it is lying on the seats of the chairs. Lie down on the floor beneath the bar and between the chairs and pull yourself up. Your heels must be on the ground.

Core Synergistics

Core Synergistics, a part of P90X Workout Schedule, targets the core or midsection and is a hybrid workout. It combines different movements that targets muscles in the entire body.

Lunges and Squats are done in different ways. To do the basic lunge, place your hands on your hips and keep your back straight. Move one step forward and then one step. Do 10 repetitions with each leg for every set.


The P90X Workout Schedule also includes cardiovascular workouts known as Plyometrics. It can also be called as Jump Training. It includes many exercises that involve moving in all directions and jumping up. It is for those people who do not have any knee or back problems. Plyometrics consists of 6 basic rounds with 4 exercises in each round. The workout lasts for approximately 1 hour, including the warm-up and cool-down time.

These three segments form the P90X workout schedule. When the schedule is adhered to with discipline, the results will be visible is just three months.


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